Another day of being forbidden to do home visits due to the rain, even with harder protestations from me.

After lunch, my counterpart brought her daughter to see me. Hridita is 7 years old and absolutely gorgeous. Her mother says she is naughty, but I say funny. Full of beans, keen to practice her English and teach me lots of Bangla words, asking questions about everything. She'd drawn me a picture and written a little letter that my counterpart had given me in the morning, asking when I was going to come and visit. I wrote one back in reply for my counterpart to take home at lunch time, saying that she could come and visit me if she liked. Being 7 years old, I guess she figured there was no time like the present, so came over straight away. We hung out for a while, looking at photos of my family, playing the various musical instruments I have, drinking Horlicks (my hot drink of the moment), playing hide-and-seek in my room & examining all my things. Then Hridita had the bright idea to put some make-up on me. Luckily, we were on my own turf with my own make-up... unlike my 2 previous Bangladeshi make-overs which have not been entirely to my taste. So although her technique needs some work, the colours were ones that I had chosen so it didn't look too bad (see final picture for end result, including hair styling and jewellery selected by Hridita).
Another day of thinking, "If only the tax-payer could see me now."
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