Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Clutching at crystal balls

My horoscope according to Facebook has been freakishly accurate of late.

I have my doubts about today's outlook, however:

"... You are in the mood to let loose and have some fun.  Head out with your friends this evening and light the town on fire.  Do not let anyone feel left out or isolated."

I don't know what Mystic Meg had been smoking before looking in that crystal ball.  Let's analyse this step-by-step.

"You are in the mood to let loose and have some fun."  Well, I'm usually up for a bit of a laugh, so I guess we're not totally off the mark with this statement.

"Head out with your friends this evening and light the town on fire."  For starters, my best friend here, Momu, is 18 months old and on holidays at the moment.  Secondly, I have a snowball's chance in hell of being allowed out of the building after nightfall.  And from what I've seen of this place, the only way it's going to be lit on fire is taking a match to it after a good dousing with petrol.

"Do not let anyone feel left out or isolated."  Hello?  Mystic Meg?  You might have a crystal ball but you sure as hell don't have a fucking atlas handy, do you?  I'm not in the #1 most isolated place in Bangladesh, but you can't even buy butter or chocolate in this Allah-forsaken joint.

Lucky I think all of this mystic piffle is bullshit anyway.


Toos said...

Good on you Moni! Will look forward to updates: hope it lasts longer than Deccy's blog, which got overtaken by his email, which has been overtaken by a new DS game. I'll tell him to email you again soon.

I must admit laughing pretty much the entire way through this, as not only could I hear your voice saying it, I could picture your face expressing it (albeit, a probably 5 years out of date face - be grateful my brain's worked out you're no longer dinkable - or maybe more dinkable, but if we were to even get to that stage, we'd both be too pissed to be doing any dinking anyway.

Geez this is a ramble. My initial comment was going to be how like Brunei it sounded - light the town on fire - by getting the hell out of the town you're in and going someplace else for a start!

I love the idea of the blog - in twelve months time, you can collect your emails and blog entries and produce a book - you've got your winning title already, although for it to get out the front stand of Dymocks, perhaps it needs to be 'A Year in the Sit' and people will get the joke once they open the front cover and you explain the pronunciation.

Love ya lots - see ya soon


Anonymous said...

haha i am tempted to download the horoscope application on facebook now.
Loving your blogging so far keep up the good work Nadege