Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Brings pleasure to the home"

Thus says the slogan on the box of Tania's blender.

One of the rare times that an advertising slogan here is:

(a) correct in spelling and grammar
(b) sensical (is sensical a word?  I mean the opposite of completely non-sensical)
(c) true

If I bothered to look much closer, I'd probably see that it was made in India or China, which would account for the first two items above.  (There is a hierarchy to things here - if a shop-keeper tells you something is "China-quality" that's the ultimate top-quality product, "India-quality" is next, and they don't bother to mention if it's "Bangladesh-quality".)

We dined like kings tonight - home-made ruti (which was my best yet, according to Tania), eggplant dip and thick dahl; pesto and sundried tomatoes fresh in jars from Singapore (thanks Bren and Karen!); Mainland cheese from Khulshi Mart (the expensive expat-frequented supermarket in Chittagong); grated carrot from the fridge (which I suspect had earlier come from the market down the road).  Not good in terms of "food miles" and all those trendy hippy things that your food is supposed to be these days, but delicious nonetheless.

Even better - pleasant conversation with my assistant / ruti apprentice Carly without an assembled crowd to watch and question my every move whilst cooking.

And I didn't have to wear my bloody orna.

Yep - blender brings pleasure to the home.

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