The man who owns this shop is always very excited to see me and usually calls out "Hello Monica!" whenever I walk past. He was intrigued to see me with a Bangladeshi child, and asked if it was mine. "No," I said in Bangla, "my small friend."
"Borrow a child?" he asked.
"Yes, she's not mine. I am unmarried [which I was sure he'd previously asked me - as has every other Bangladeshi person I've met]. My friend," I repeated.
"No - shake or borrow a child?" he asked.
Becoming increasingly confused and wondering what the hell Bangladeshis do with their kids (hasn't anyone told them not to shake a baby?!), I again said, "My friend." Then I added, "My small friend," just for further clarification.
"No! Teacher - borrow a! Shake or borrow a!" he said, clearly getting frustrated with my inability to answer his question properly.
Oh... Not shake or borrow a child. He was asking if Momu was Shekor Barua's child. Shekor (pronounced "shake-or") Barua ("borrow-a") is the guy who lives next door. Momu's father.
"Yes! Shekor Barua's child," I confirmed.
Believe it or not, taking less than a minute to work out what the hell the shop-keeper was asking actually makes this one of my more straightforward interactions.
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