But first, some background info. Due to a high rate of illiteracy in Bangladesh, some bright spark came up with the very ingenious system of attaching a symbol to each electoral candidate. So when illiterate Mohammad Average goes to vote, even if he can't read the candidates' names he knows who to vote for by looking for their symbol. This was crucial information I was missing when I wrote the previous entry (below) about the elephant parade up the main street.
So who won the mayoral election for the Sitakunda municipality? Shafiul Alam, alias Nayek Shafi, a.k.a. the umbrella.
I sent a quick message to Harriet in Sylhet (where they were also holding elections) to enquire about the victor in her city corporation, as we'd had a close encounter with the bird candidate and her hordes of supporters the week before and I was interested to see if she'd got up. But no... Sylhet's winner was Badaruddin Kamran, a.k.a. the pineapple!
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