Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Making friendship

I just got a phone call.  At 10pm, which is really only acceptable when you're calling someone you know will be up at that time.  Call was from an unknown number.  The tricky thing with those is - I've ignored some in the past and it's ended up being someone from Australia calling, cos that shows up as a local number.  So I'm now trying to give the benefit of the doubt.  Although I should have twigged that the time difference from here to Oz made it unlikely to be anyone calling late at night from there.

Me: Hello?

Caller: Hello.  Is this Monica?

Me (nervously): Yeeeeees.

Caller: sldfkjsdfo jsofjas fkjsfos dfoidsjfl ksdjf [torrent of Bangla]

Me: Bujhi na [I don't understand].

Caller: Your friend gave me your number.

Me (pissed off): Which friend?

Caller: My name is X.

Me: No, not your name - my friend who gave you the number.

Caller (slowly, like talking to a child): My name is Xxxxxxxxxxx.

Me: What do you want?

Caller: I go to Y university in Chittagong.  I want to make friendship with you.

Me: Ummmm...

Caller: Tomorrow 5pm I meet with you.

Me: I not go Chittagong 2 weeks [this is actually true - also true is how appalling my English is these days, the only way to get across the main point is to remove any superfluous words].

Caller: Ok! Then tomorrow 5pm I meet you.

Me: No, this is not possible.

Caller: Ok, well this is my number.

Me: Ok.

Caller: So soon I will call you.  I want to make friendship with you.

Me: Well, we'll see about that.  Bye now.  [Hang up, then immediately save number in phone as "don't answer".]

This is what happens in a country with no pubs and no normal interaction between males and females.  How are you supposed to meet people?  Resort to calling random numbers in case you happen upon someone who is equally lonely and willing to "make friendship" with the loser at the other end.  And I want to know which fucker gave out my phone number - no concept of privacy here.

Add this to the calls I've been getting at 2am from another unknown number the last few days.  No wonder I'm so bloody tired and grumpy.

Bring on another weekend where my phone won't work!  I forgot to add that to the list of awesome things about Nepal - not having to worry about getting calls from random strangers and not-so-strangers who call at all hours.

Note to self: Ask Bangla teacher next class how to say, "Sorry, but my friendship quota is full.  Good bye and don't ever call me again."  Also ask how to say "fuck off" in Bangla for desperate occasions.

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